Tag: psychology

  • The Writer’s Life: Affirmations

    Two weeks ago, I began writing a series about Negative Thoughts and how to deal with them in the writing life. We all have times when we are overwhelmed with worry, fear, anxiety, anger, jealousy, rage, apathy or depression. In this series, I am sharing advice from the research I am doing for a non-fiction…

  • The Writer’s Life: Get in Your Right Mind

    Right mind is not happy mind and where it leads is to work, not to ease. –Eric Maisel Last week I began a series about Negative Thoughts. I will continue by discussing ways to confront destructive thoughts in a healthy way to improve our writing life. In this post, I am referring to negative thoughts…

  • The Writer’s Life: Negative Thoughts

    Worry, anxiety, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, anger, rage, apathy, jealousy These are some of the feelings that create defeating, depressing and disturbing thoughts about our writing and our life. We all get them in some form, but getting stuck in these thoughts can destroy our creativity and keep us from writing. Most of our negative thinking is…

  • The Writer’s Life: Getting in the Mood

    What does it take for you to get in the mood to write? Can you create an island oasis when you are writing? Those are challenging questions for some of us. There are some writers that write on an oasis of solitude for hours each day, and others that grab fifteen minutes whenever they can…

  • The Writer’s Life: Are You What You Write?

    Are You What You Write? As a fiction writer, have you ever felt that your personal character was judged by others based on the genre or content of what you write? Have you experienced strange looks, insincere polite comments, or talking behind your back about the content of your novel or short stories when you…

  • The Writer’s Life: Right Brain Rules!

    For all the “odd” and “misfit” alien right brainers out there (writers, artists, designers, philosophers, caretakers, counselors, inventors). Good news has been leaking into the press slowly but surely. The left brainer’s rule of the kingdom in the career world is slowly changing. (For all the right brainers, I have included extra videos and pictures…

  • The Writer’s Life: Exercise Your Right Brain

    A lot of information has been published recently about the right brain/left brain difference. By now you have probably heard that the left brain dominant thinkers are logical, sequential, analytical and look at the parts. And, the right brain dominant thinkers tend to be intuitive, holistic, synthesizing and look at the whole. But whether you…

  • The Writer’s Life: Creative Flow & Sex

    Admit it, what is your inner most desires…mad passionate creative flow or mad passionate sex? Hard to choose? The two experiences may not be that different and may be connected. They both involve total surrender of control, and create powerful energy full of electricity. Some experts even propose that if you experience one, you are…

  • The Writer’s Life: Highly Sensitive Persons

    Has anyone ever said things like this to you? Why do you always have to be so sensitive about everything, it’s not that big of a deal. If you weren’t so shy and sensitive, life would be much easier for you. If so, you may be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Many writers and creative…

  • The Writer’s Life: Getting Stuck & Writer’s Block

    War in Resolution Galaxy The #writerlbsOff community will continue, but today is the final episode of War in Resolution Galaxy. To read from the beginning, start at Episode 1. The Commander’s Final message to the EVOLVE Empire warriors special forces division: The War in Resolution Galaxy is getting harder now. Look out the window at…