Category: #writerlbsOff
The Writer’s Life: Beatnik Party: Final #WriterlbsOff
Like Cra-a-a-a-zy Man! Our final party for #WriterlbsOff is a wild, crazy, cool party traveling back to the 1950s to jive with the Beats and those pretending to be Beatniks in the campy movies. We are really cool, hip writers and we have earned our rebellion. We have a lot of reading to do on…
The Writer’s Life: The Sky is Falling
Worried about anything today? How does worry affect your life, your creativity, your writing? I look back over the last few months and see times I was happy and content from day to day without much worry. I like to think most of my life is that peaceful, at least in my mind. Then there…
The Writer’s Life: Right Brain Rules!
For all the “odd” and “misfit” alien right brainers out there (writers, artists, designers, philosophers, caretakers, counselors, inventors). Good news has been leaking into the press slowly but surely. The left brainer’s rule of the kingdom in the career world is slowly changing. (For all the right brainers, I have included extra videos and pictures…
Fun! The Writer’s Life at The Sands
In case you didn’t notice, another month has flown by and we only have one month to go with the #WriterlbsOff New Year’s Resolutions. I hope you are kicking your resolutions into high gear with the coming of spring and our renewal of energy in the warmer weather! It’s time to celebrate our accomplishments and…
The Writer’s Life: Being Mildly Creative
If you are a writer, you probably hope for those times when your ideas feel passionate and writing flows wildly. You may try all kinds of ways to get into that state to write your next novel. Those moments can be productive and rewarding when they happen, but what about all the other times? Wouldn’t…
The Writer’s Life: Creative Flow & Sex
Admit it, what is your inner most desires…mad passionate creative flow or mad passionate sex? Hard to choose? The two experiences may not be that different and may be connected. They both involve total surrender of control, and create powerful energy full of electricity. Some experts even propose that if you experience one, you are…
The Writer’s Life: Highly Sensitive Persons
Has anyone ever said things like this to you? Why do you always have to be so sensitive about everything, it’s not that big of a deal. If you weren’t so shy and sensitive, life would be much easier for you. If so, you may be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Many writers and creative…
The Writer’s Life: Always Discontented?
Why can’t I get more writing done?…Nothing I write is any good. I had my novel published, so what, now I have to prove I can keep producing. As a writer, do you ever feel like you are never satisfied? Are you always discontented? If you are, you are not alone. Most writers and creative…
Fun: The Writer’s Life: Shifting Perspectives – Writer’s Cruise
The Love Boat is Sailing for our February Party February and March can be challenging months to endure. I look out my window to piles of deep snow and the temps are dropping one more time. Even if you live where the weather is more pleasant, this can still be a difficult time of year…
The Writer’s Life: Getting Stuck & Writer’s Block
War in Resolution Galaxy The #writerlbsOff community will continue, but today is the final episode of War in Resolution Galaxy. To read from the beginning, start at Episode 1. The Commander’s Final message to the EVOLVE Empire warriors special forces division: The War in Resolution Galaxy is getting harder now. Look out the window at…