Fiction: Twisted Family Bonds (pt.2): Inna is in the House

This is one of my #FridayFlash fiction stories. Each Friday, members of the #FridayFlash group on Twitter write fictional stories of 1,000 words or less and share them. Join in the fun!

This flash fiction is part of a series called Twisted Family Bonds (follow the link to read from the beginning). It continues where the Frostbite series ends. It is a mixture of light and dark humor written in the soap opera episodic style about the happenings in the Kaszinov family, who live on a family compound in the Hungarian countryside near Budapest. Russian mafia members have family lives, too, they just behave a little differently, or do they?


Previously, in Twisted Family Bonds – Episode 1, Viktor and his family where exonerated from all charges related to Great Aunt Urola’s demise. They are celebrating in true mafia style when Tasha shows up with a child welfare worker.


Episode 2 of 6: Inna is in the House

Tasha was laying on the cold concrete landing outside the front door. Her hands clenched as she held her face down on the freezing stoop. Her body was covering Inna, protecting her from the gun fire. The shots sounded close and she wasn’t taking any chances. She was not going to lose the only child welfare worker in Budapest willing to come out here before they even had a chance to enter the house.

“Stop firing, you IDIOTS!” Alena screeched. She left the doors wide open as she turned and stammered back in the house in a drunken fog.

Tasha and Inna crawled through the large double doors as low to the ground as possible. Tasha quickly slammed the door and they both got up to find cookie crumbs all over their coats. “What is this?” Inna brushed the crumbs only to transform them into white streams of mush.

Alena fell into a chair in the foyer and tried to focus her blurry eyes. She watched the two of them take off their crumb covered coats. “Uh…Why are you here?”

“This is my Mama, Alena Kaszinov.  Mama, this is Inna, she is from the Hungarian Child Welfare office…”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t even know you were back….Where are the kids?” Alena’s head waved back and forth.

“I didn’t bring the kids with me…”

“Good, I don’t want to bring chaos into this house right now…” Alena slurred and drifted off.

Papa caught a glimpse of the scene and rushed over to see who penetrated his security force.

“Inna is here to evaluate the appropriateness of this household for the children to return home…”

“What? Are you kidding me? Appropriateness for their own family? I’ve never heard such nonsense! You had better leave! NOW! Somebody call security!” Papa was turning red and purple, his fists clenching and legs shaking as he unsuccessfully yelled to the Boys. They were done breaking glasses in the fireplace and were now doing drunken gymnastics on the living room furniture.

However, the screaming brought Aunt Nadya and Aunt Grusha springing from the living room with their champagne glasses. “Tasha, you’re back home! Who is this?”

“I’m trying to tell you, Inna is here to do interviews…”

Two Framed Broads Cook Up Hungarian-Russian Fusion

“Oh, how wonderful, come in to the kitchen and we will show you our Hungarian-Russian fusion cooking in person. Our new cookbook is becoming a best-seller, at least in this country. Did you bring a photographer?” Nadya and Gusha giggled as they pushed Tasha and Inna into the kitchen.


Tasha’s cousins came running and tripping out of the kitchen to avoid the stranger who had invaded their home. “Why do they keep screaming about the kids? Are they back?”

“No! They say we have to be judged as good enough for our own children and grandchildren! Get outta my way, I’m getting a gun!”

“Viktor! You said our kids would come back home after the trial! You must live up to your promise! We have been running the family businesses for you, and if you don’t, you know what we can do…”

“Why… you ungrateful, #$&%!! #%&$!!!!

As the arguing and threats escalated, Alena hit her head against the wall and covered her ears. “Oh my god!  Give them what they want, Viktor, just stop the screaming!!

Flaming eyes were shooting daggers at Viktor. He looked at the lot of them, immovable in their position. The last thing he wanted was more trouble with the law. He knew this was one battle he couldn’t win.

"We are doin' this my way, you ungrateful…"

“O.K., but we are gonna play this MY way.” Viktor stomped into the living room, brought back a glass of wine and headed into the kitchen.

“I apologize, I was rude. No hard feelings?” Viktor offered the glass of wine to Inna.

“I know this is hard, it is for everyone.” Relieved to have resolved the conflict and narrowly escaping the gun fire, Inna graciously accepted the glass of wine and guzzled. She slinked down to the floor within a couple minutes.

“How could you do that?” Tasha pounded her foot.

Viktor slyly smiled as he bit his cigar, “Tasha, I learned from the best!”

Tasha knew he was referring to the time she drugged the entire family to escape with the children two years ago, and knew she would have to watch her step.


Continue reading with, Twisted Family Bonds – Episode 3

Want to find out how the Kaszinov family got themselves into such a mess? Read more here:

Frostbite: A Mafia Family Christmas – Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3



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40 responses to “Fiction: Twisted Family Bonds (pt.2): Inna is in the House”

  1. So, Inna is not dead, just drugged? Got to read more and find out what happens next. Nice when you’re such a procrastinator that you don’t have to wait a week.

    1. Thanks Kim, I’m glad the series was interesting enough to compel you to continue. It is nicer when you don’t have to wait a week for the next episode.

  2. Oh Anne, this just gets better and better. I am loving this crazy mixed-up family!

    1. Thanks Deanna, I’m glad you like it. Whether I want to or not, this family will not leave me for a little while. Take care and rest!

  3. Another great installment in the series. Looking forward to what comes next.

  4. That’s one crazy family. I enjoy these campy romps on the wild side. And I mean Wild Side!

    1. Thanks Jon, That is the perfect way to describe these stories- campy romps on the wild side!

  5. Inna is in trouble now…along with Tasha. Can’t wait to see how they will get out of this one!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Laura. I’m sorry I didn’t kill her off for you, but she is an interesting character.

  6. My husband has actually stayed in a Russian mafiosa’s dascha in Tajikistan. From what he described, you are not too far from reality! Love the bodycount references in other comments 🙂 Cracking fun!

    1. OH how fun!

      I would love to hear a few of his stories. That is hysterical if I am not too far off! Frankly, I love the comments I get from you guys as much as writing the story in the first place, actually more!


  7. This is one interesting family. Love how these flow. I think I missed a couple so I think I’ll go back to the beginning and read them all.

    1. Laurita,

      I am so honored you liked the Kasinov’s enough to go back and read more. There are some references to events that carry through to later parts of the series. Thanks!

  8. Oh dear, I said last week that the social worker would be asking for danger money… I hope she got the chance!

    1. Maria,

      Inna is not dead, I’ll tell you that much. I do think she should get hazard pay! Thanks for comment and coming by to visit the Kasinov’s. Don’t have any #FridayFlash #FridayWine at their house, though

  9. “…Our new cookbook is becoming a best-seller.” I want it! The Kasinovs are kooky (though I wouldn’t say it to their faces!) I like.

    1. Thanks _______, what is your name, anyway, I can’t find it. Or is that part of the mystery?

      Glad you like the cookbook idea, may have to post more about it.

  10. The Russian Sopranos! Very much digging this series. Tasha’s a believable protag indeed. Peace, Linda

    1. Thanks Linda,

      I have had the reference to the Sopranos before, I really gotta rent that series, haven’t seen it yet. Your comments are much appreciated!

  11. Poor Inna… And what a highly dysfunctional family.

    The line: “Inna is here to evaluate the appropriateness of this household for the children to return home…” made me laugh aloud.

    1. David,

      Thanks for your comments! Inna looks down now, but much more in store for her, and them. I love it when something I write tickles the funny bone:)))

  12. This was so interesting, I was actually sad when I got to the end. Can’t wait for next Friday! You’re a great writer, keep it up! 🙂

    1. Hi Estrella,

      Thanks for comment and for reading! Don’t worry, they will be back!

  13. Haha! Loved it! Wonderful installment in a great series of stories Anne. My favourite part is the Aunts mistaking Inna for an interviewer come to see them about their cookery.

    Can’t wait for the next installment.

    1. Hi Sam,

      Glad you like them! Those crazy aunt’s can be fun – they are such attention hounds now!

      Thanks for coming by and reading!

  14. Friday wouldn’t be Friday without an upping of the body count on Anne T-L’s deliciously wicked tale! Respec’!

    Typo- “Tasha, your back!”

    Keep on racking ’em (the stiffs) up!


    1. Marc,

      I’m glad you like this family! You are the “real” gangster pro. And, the Kasinov’s don’t have much patience with people who get in their way, but Inna may not be as stiff as you think.

      I changed that phrase to make it more clear – thanks!

      1. I actually figured out what typo you were referring to – “your” instead of “you’re” Thanks, changed it. I thought that saying “Your back” was too unclear.

        duh, I finally got it.

  15. More cookie crumbs…
    Agree with Marisa, nice pictures and crazy family. Seven more days? Okay. “I’ll be back.”

    1. David,

      The Kasinov cousins love their cookies. They are still all over the floor from the “fireworks” last week. I don’t think they can get a cleaning lady.

      It just makes my day to hear you guys say you will be back for more.

  16. omg, they drugged the only child welfare worker willing to come out to the house!!! LOL, that’s freakin’ funny! These are my kind of people! Can’t wait to see what they get into next week 🙂

    1. Shannon,

      The Kasinov’s are quite creative in getting their way, as you will see in the coming weeks.

      Thanks for reading and coming back!

  17. I hope you have plans for this series. I am really digging the flow. Seriously!

    1. Carrie,

      I’m glad to hear that you really like this series. I was worried that they may get too routine.

  18. Yes, fantastic! What a family – great reading this series.

    1. Michelle,

      Thanks for reading! Glad you like reading about the Kasinov’s, too.

  19. G.P. Ching

    What a fun series! Booze and gunfire, and attitudes to boot!

    1. Thanks, so glad you stopped by – glad you enjoy the Kasinov’s

  20. Bravo, Anne! The continuation of this series is just as wonderful as ever. Laughed at the pictures! They’re great!

    Crazy as this family is, I love them and their story. Look forward to more.

    1. Thanks Marisa,this family is persistent and won’t leave, so I must listen to them for awhile.

      My favorite picture is the mafia eggs, couldn’t believe I found them.

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