I have a few tidbits and knick knacks to share with you today instead of a regular post. I have been busy working hard on a few projects and trying to get a paying writing job. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Coffee Break & Tidbits
Anyway, I just wanted to show up to chat and share a few things with you over coffee. I ran out of coffee (frights) and went to Starbucks this morning. I bought Starbucks Decaf Italian Roast instant coffee to try. I learned some great things to do with it, like adding it to a brownie mix and topping ice cream and pudding. I haven’t been able to use espresso powder in recipes because I can’t handle caffeine, so this gives me some yummy possibilities. Here, have a taste – aren’t they good?
#Writers_Life – @Writers_Life
I hope you are enjoying my new hashtag – #Writers_Life. I am posting archive items about 1-2 a day and finding current Tweets in the Twitter stream to share with you. I want all my friends to feel free to use the hashtag! I will be using it on occasion to call everyone over for coffee, and anyone else can do that too. Sometimes we need a break and a jolt.
Thanks to my good friend Sam (@FutureNostalgic) at Future Nostalgic I was included in a poll – 25+ Favorite Twitter Hashtags for Writers (Clickable List)- conducted informally by Nicole (@SimplyWriting) at It’s All About Writing. I missed this poll on Twitter (must have been writing) and I didn’t know about it until I stumbled across her blog page through a tweet. I was shocked to see my #Writers_Life included, and listed as #5, especially since my hashtag is officially two weeks old. Thanks to everyone who voted!
I have been following the Fibromyalgia Awareness Series written by Deanna Schrayer, my good friend. It is a great series – check it out. I also suffer from Fibromyalgia and have learned a few new things. I have encountered more than a few writers with chronic pain, a big part of our Writer’s Life. Deanna mentions,
Each year the month of May is dedicated to Fibromyalgia awareness. This year, May 15th is set aside for events across the nation. This year’s theme is “Make Fibromyalgia Visible”. In an effort to do just that, make fibromyalgia visible, today begins the first in a series on fibromyalgia – part 1: What is Fibromyalgia?
Another good friend of mine, Olivia Tejeda (@SimplyOlivia) has started The Silent Writers Collective. What an excellent idea, living the Writer’s Life together. Here is what they do:
Our standing meeting is Tuesday at 9-10 pm EST (US), but participants are encouraged to “Get Silent” whenever the mood strikes, either alone, with others, online, or in person.
We meet via Twitter using the hashtag #SilentWriters. If you aren’t on Twitter, we have a group on Facebook, or just click the email link to the right, and we’ll get you in on the fun.
Our gatherings start with a few minutes of socializing, sharing info, etc, but after that we all agree to shut up and write. We’re not a critique group, we’re not limited by genre, education, experience, or skill. We just get together to write.
If you haven’t followed me @Writers_Life yet, head over to Twitter and get on board! The fun is just beginning!
Creativity Gone Mad Videos
I will be Tweeting a video each week that I call, “Creativity Gone Mad.” It is videos that show amazing creative projects and crazy things people have done. They make me smile and boost my inspiration. Many that I post will be part of an excellent collection of YouTube videos assembled by Denny McCorkle (@tweetrightbrain) at I Geek for Creativity. The video I Tweeted this week was Cupcake Canon.
Cat Fun
I love Simon’s Cat videos, but have only seen a few. I really need to get the kids and have a marathon.
Here is one I like – I have a cat who always does this to me. Who says cat’s aren’t affectionate and don’t communicate with us?
Knick Knacks

Do you have any knick knacks around the house? I do. I have many antique knick knacks inherited from my mom and grandmother. The shelf in this picture is from my grandmother. I still display some of the original items she had on the shelf. I unpacked it recently and wondered why I keep so many of these things packed away. Then I remembered my wild cats and rambunctious kids (maybe someday soon I can’t stop repeating the line from the Brady Bunch, “Don’t play ball in the house!” I managed to put up this shelf in my bedroom and haven’t had an accident yet. I enjoy looking at these silly little glass figurines and remembering my grandmother. She hung this shelf in her sunroom where she sat and braided rugs when she could no longer walk.
My favorite has always been the bird with the nest of baby birds. I have moved so many times, I’m amazed there aren’t any more broken pieces.
I used to love this green glass shoe as a child. It was probably bought as a cheap travel souvenir, but items seem to take on a higher value when you had a connection to them as a child.
I didn’t have an attachement to these cups, I always thought the faces were creepy. Now, they make me laugh trying to imagine why my grandmother looked at these and thought, “Oh how cute, they will look good on my shelves.” Really?
Although fun to look at and reminisce, I prefer my own collections. I have many fun things I keep in, on and around my desk. Here is my toy box, a tin suitcase filled with miniature toys. I collected them before I had kids and try to protect them to keep for myself. That is not always easy.
My most treasured items are my favorite pen, received around the time my kids were born and a Tiffany Diamond my husband gave me on a trip to Chicago. He presented the beautiful blue box and said, “Now you can never say I didn’t get you a diamond from Tiffany’s.” Bet you never knew I had such a treasure!
Do you have strange items, knick knacks or treasured things around your house or on your desk that make you smile, reminisce or entertain you when you are trying to be creative? I would love to hear about them.
Have another cup of coffee and pull up a chair.
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