Fun: Awards Galore!

Today, I want to thank my good friends for sending me awards. Β They increase our sense of community with each other and they are just plain fun!

The Sugar Doll Blogger Award

I am honored that Deanna Schrayer at Deanna’s Blog, The Life of a Working Writer Mommy, awarded me with the Sugar Doll Blogger Award. She is a wonderful friend and a great writer. I am very grateful for her support and encouragement. As acceptance for this award I must reveal ten things about myself. See below.

I wish to pass on this lovely Sugar Doll award to these writer friends:

Karen Schindler (karenfrommentor)

Mari Blaser

Laura Eno

Donna Carrick

PJ Kaiser (doublelattemama)

I am also honored to receive not just one, but two awards from Tony Noland at Landless. Thank you, Tony, for these awards. I am glad to be your friend and supporter of your writing, which is always interesting and thought-provoking. And, you are a fun guy to hang out with each day on Twitter.

The Silver Lining Award – Gratitude

The Silver Lining award is given to blogs that help others or focus on the good things in life to uplift others.” This award comes with a condition. I must now pass it on to five other blogs that I feel have accomplished the same thing.

Honest Scrap Award – Can You Handle the Truth?

The Honest Scrap Award means that I am supposed to share ten things about myself that you may not know.

So, since I have two awards that require me to tell ten things about myself that are true, I thought I would do it all in one shot. I don’t think I could come up with twenty things. I’m having a really hard time with ten.

  1. I have five siblings, but grew up an only child because they were so much older. (I have a nephew who is one year older than me)
  2. I worked in corn and bean fields during the summers as a teen. (hated it, but got a good suntan, now called sun damage)
  3. I met my husband in a bible study group my first year in college that I joined after they scared me with a movie about the rapture. (Oh, the stupid days of our youth.)
  4. I spent the next few years trying to deprogram, usually in bars.
  5. We still got married and managed to escape the grips of fundamentalist Christianity, becoming Buddhist, the wild and crazy variety.
  6. Despite a lifelong hormone condition, I had my twins unassisted by fertility drugs, it just took about a decade.
  7. I predicted the birth of my twins in my journal exactly one year before they were born, and that they would be a boy and a girl. (on the exact date – but didn’t really believe myself at the time or remember until I reviewed my journals several months after they were born.)
  8. I have never written a fictional short story before I started FridayFlash in December, and never more than a few pages of fiction before NaNoWriMo last November. (now you cut me some slack)
  9. I gave up seven state and national conference speaking engagements this year to be with you all on Twitter (actually for health reasons, but I’m here with you, aren’t I?)
  10. I’m actually a bot on Twitter. (Oh wait, the lies went in the last award, oh well, this one is more fun than the truth.)

I now send the Silver Lining Award and the Honest Scrap Award to these folks!

Marisa Birns

Maria P (Mazzz_in_Leeds)

Sam (FutureNostalgic)

Carrie Clevenger

Cynthia (cswriter59)


22 responses to “Fun: Awards Galore!”

  1. Congrats on the awards, Anne – glad I found your site πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Jemi, I’m so glad to see you here – I love your site and have been following you on twitter for a long time! I hope you see you back again soon!!

  2. Hi dear! Thanks so much for this sweet award! You’re a doll indeed, no wonder you won the award to pass it on, heh. πŸ˜€

    I’d never know you were almost a fundamentalist! Kudos on your and your husband’s wisdom! Also, I’m happy for your successful motherhood!

    Sorry it took me this long to post the award? You know how crazy things have been, right? Thanks again dear! πŸ™‚

    p.s.: Can you guess who’s getting the award from me? Well, if I tell you that you own her too, you’ll guess right away, lol. πŸ˜‰

    1. Hi Mari, of course I understand! hehe! And, of course I know who you are passing it on to, even though I already read your posts – You are such a Doll and I am so glad I met you through Twitter!! Now lets get on with our new projects – fun times ahead!

  3. Awww, thanks Anne!
    I love your ten point – 3,4,5 gave me a good old belly laugh

    If only all twitter bots were like you….

  4. Anne!! You think I’m a sugar doll?? Thank you so much! (I really am…it’s Jezebel and Mr Fluffy who say all the evil stuff)

    I loved learning these things about you. I’m a fundamentalist escapee too. After spending time learning to use the force with Yoda I found out that I was practicing Taoism.

    1. Laura, that is so funny! So you practiced with Yoda? Is he the one who taught you to inhale? Sometimes it is the only way to deprogram.

      Yes, of course you are a sugar doll, we all know how sweet you are.

  5. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

  6. Anne, I find it hard to believe you didn’t enjoy working in the corn and bean fields – that was one of my favorite things to do when I spent summers with my aunt and uncle on their farm, but then I did usually hide behind the biggest plant I could find and squish my toes in the mud with vigor! πŸ™‚
    How fascinating that you predicted the birth of your twins, and even the date no less, before you were even pregnant. You know I love that stuff.
    Congratulations on all the well-deserved awards!

    1. Thanks Deanna,

      No time to play when I went to these farms. I was on crews and they worked us hard from 5 a.m. until 2 p.m. constant work. Besides, it is where I got my worst exposure to pesticides which attributed to the start of my chemical sensitivities condition. Would have been nice to enjoy myself on a family farm, though.

  7. I’m so happy that you got away from the fundamentalists! And congrats on your awards.

  8. Oh Anne, you really are a princess and I just love how you manage to be so cheerful all the time.

    It sure is fun reading these facts of your life.

    Thank you so much for such prestigious awards.:-)

    1. Oh my goodness, I don’t think anyone has ever called me a princess – that really makes me giggle. You are so sweet!

  9. Terrific! I’ve spent many an hour at hard work, and can appreciate the bean field experience.

    1. My first job, in seventh grade was for a farmer who was also a perfectionist, go figure. We had to weed his bean fields when the plants were just a few inches tall. It was required to pull the larger weeds by hand and shake off the dirt. We could only use the hoe on grass, which we also had to take out. Absolutely insane! Other farmers only weeded when plants were a couple feet or higher and whacked the weeds with a large knife.

  10. So awesome of you to share those things! And the awards were perfect too πŸ™‚

    Keep writing the fiction. You’ll be amazed at all the things that happen to the psyche along the way.

    1. Thanks Cole, you are definitely right – my psyche is morphing and using muscles it is not used to, my right brain is really happy!

  11. Wow,
    I liked learning all of those things about you. And you’re way too cheerful to be a bot, so you didn’t fool me for an instant.

    And being awarded the “Sugar Doll” Award? Thanks so much! I’ll stay out of the rain. Don’t want to melt.

    [there was another line here trying desperately to be heard, but this blog is rated pg-13 right? So I’ve contained myself]

    Karen :0)

    1. Your welcome – and I thought you would get a kick out the name of the Sugar Doll award, that is why I put you there, specifically. I wanted to see what you would come up with – bwahahah!

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