Today, I want to thank my good friends for sending me awards. Β They increase our sense of community with each other and they are just plain fun!
The Sugar Doll Blogger Award
I am honored that Deanna Schrayer at Deanna’s Blog, The Life of a Working Writer Mommy, awarded me with the Sugar Doll Blogger Award. She is a wonderful friend and a great writer. I am very grateful for her support and encouragement. As acceptance for this award I must reveal ten things about myself. See below.
I wish to pass on this lovely Sugar Doll award to these writer friends:
Karen Schindler (karenfrommentor)
PJ Kaiser (doublelattemama)
I am also honored to receive not just one, but two awards from Tony Noland at Landless. Thank you, Tony, for these awards. I am glad to be your friend and supporter of your writing, which is always interesting and thought-provoking. And, you are a fun guy to hang out with each day on Twitter.
The Silver Lining Award – Gratitude
“The Silver Lining award is given to blogs that help others or focus on the good things in life to uplift others.” This award comes with a condition. I must now pass it on to five other blogs that I feel have accomplished the same thing.
Honest Scrap Award – Can You Handle the Truth?
The Honest Scrap Award means that I am supposed to share ten things about myself that you may not know.
So, since I have two awards that require me to tell ten things about myself that are true, I thought I would do it all in one shot. I don’t think I could come up with twenty things. I’m having a really hard time with ten.
- I have five siblings, but grew up an only child because they were so much older. (I have a nephew who is one year older than me)
- I worked in corn and bean fields during the summers as a teen. (hated it, but got a good suntan, now called sun damage)
- I met my husband in a bible study group my first year in college that I joined after they scared me with a movie about the rapture. (Oh, the stupid days of our youth.)
- I spent the next few years trying to deprogram, usually in bars.
- We still got married and managed to escape the grips of fundamentalist Christianity, becoming Buddhist, the wild and crazy variety.
- Despite a lifelong hormone condition, I had my twins unassisted by fertility drugs, it just took about a decade.
- I predicted the birth of my twins in my journal exactly one year before they were born, and that they would be a boy and a girl. (on the exact date – but didn’t really believe myself at the time or remember until I reviewed my journals several months after they were born.)
- I have never written a fictional short story before I started FridayFlash in December, and never more than a few pages of fiction before NaNoWriMo last November. (now you cut me some slack)
- I gave up seven state and national conference speaking engagements this year to be with you all on Twitter (actually for health reasons, but I’m here with you, aren’t I?)
- I’m actually a bot on Twitter. (Oh wait, the lies went in the last award, oh well, this one is more fun than the truth.)
I now send the Silver Lining Award and the Honest Scrap Award to these folks!
Maria P (Mazzz_in_Leeds)
Sam (FutureNostalgic)
Cynthia (cswriter59)
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