Fun: “Creative Writer” Blogger Award

I’ve been tagged by Marisa Birns at Out of Order Alice and Jodi MacArthur at Jodi MacArthur – Fiction Writer to receive the Lesa’s Bald Faced Liar “Creative Writer” Blogger Award. I’m honored, I think. Thanks Marisa and Jodi!

But that is not all, there are rules and requirements to earn my award.

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth.
5. Nominate seven “Creative Writers” who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.

I play a game quite often with my third grade book club that I created called, Truth or Trick. The object is to tell a truth or a lie and the group has to vote as to whether you are telling the truth or you are trying to trick them.  I ALWAYS win.

So, do you think you are smarter than a third-grader?

Here are mine…

  1. I have had six of my body parts surgically removed.
  2. I was a high school cheerleader.
  3. I went backstage after a Hall & Oats concert in the 80s and got to kiss John Hall.
  4. I was born in the backseat of a 1959 Rambler Cross Country station wagon.
  5. I am good at firing an M-16.
  6. I once spent the night sleeping in the streets of Veracruz, Mexico.
  7. My father’s family genealogy can be traced back to James Joyce.
  8. All these statements are bald faced lies.

Now, I must torture nominate seven “Creative Writers” and warn them about it.

This award is really getting spread around right now, so we are all having one great lying party! I will keep it going by sending to:

  1. Sam at Future; Nostalgic
  2. Olivia Tejeda at Away with Words
  3. Estrella Azul at Life’s a stage – WebBlog
  4. Donna Carrick at Donna’s Blog
  5. Mariana Blaser at Mariblaser’s Randomities
  6. Alison Wells at Head above Water
  7. Jess Rosen at Girl Meets Word

I noticed that there is no rule about eventually revealing the true statement, I think that should be added or I will keep wondering about my strange friends, and they will wonder about me – however the later is probably already true.

Thanks again, Marisa & Jodi. Please reveal your truths, please. Can you tell I am begging?






36 responses to “Fun: “Creative Writer” Blogger Award”

  1. Oh you mischievous one you! You fooled me. I thought they all but #8 was true.

    Awesome about the M-16. Mafia writer woman is literally a straight shooter. I so wish your kissing John Hall was true! In another world, another place. IT IS TRUE. 😉

    I love your creative mind (Ms. Liar liar pants on fire). I’m linking you up. <3

    1. Ha! Yeah, I wish I had got a little kissing action out of John Hall – I was at the concert, but no such luck.

  2. See what happens when I go on vacation for a week? I always miss the fun stuff.

    Thanks so much for the award, I’ll get it up on my blog as soon as I’ve thought of some lies to tell – ooh, this is going to be fun!

    Now that I know which is your true statement, remind me always to be very, very nice to you! 😉

  3. Thanks again, Anne. I posted my lies. It was a lot of work to put that all together, but it was fun! ~ Olivia

  4. Congratulations Anne! You are one good liar! I’m a bit late in getting here, but I have to say I guessed right (now is that the truth or not)? 🙂

    Marisa bestowed the award on me as well, (thank you Marisa, I think), but it’s going to take me a while to do my post – having trouble coming up with truths, I’m so used to telling lies. 🙂

    1. LOL! Now there is a twist – you have too much trouble coming up with the truth part while everyone else is working on their lies.

      I must say, it was fun coming up with the lies!

  5. Okay, you’re a good liar. Hehe!

  6. Hey!
    Thanks for the nomination, I know I still have another award from you that I didn’t get the chance to post, these are piling up fast 😛
    I hope to be back to my normal blogging schedule sometime next week when everyone around me is back to normal. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I’ll make it interesting!

    Huge hugs!

    1. Take your time, we will all be here when you get back. Family comes first. My best to you and your family!!!

  7. Nice! So this weekend…the shooting range? I’ll buy the first round of ammo.


    1. That would be fun. There are plenty of gun clubs around here, believe me!

  8. I should have guessed correctly! After all, you hang out with The Family!

    1. Hehe, didn’t think of that. I wonder if my gun history has anything to do with my mafia stories, stuff stuck in my unconscious.

  9. That’s terrific! Too bad I was wrong… I totally saw you bumming it in Veracruz.

    1. I must say that sounded fun.

  10. Okay, are you ready for the truth? Can you handle it now! Here it is…

    The truth is…

    #3 – I am good at firing an M-16

    Mari, you should have gone with your gut! And, who says nice girls can’t shoot firearms? HeeHee!

    I was in the Air Force (Air National Guard during college & grad school) and was at the top of my class for marksmanship with the M-16. I enjoyed it.

    That was fun, but I see you guys didn’t do any better than my 3rd graders. Guess that doesn’t fair well for me either if I am a good liar, but at least it is good for writing fiction!!

    Thanks for playing!!

    1. Ohhh, man! I’d never, ever guessed! O_o The M-16 idea was a loong shot, like a fun thing I’d never believe being possible. That’s cool though, in a way. 🙂

      Anne, from the comments on my own blog, it’s obvious that you’re a way better liar than I am. *hat off, bows* ;D

  11. I think #6 is true. And I think it involved having your luggage stolen. Or maybe a once in a life time meteor shower….

    And I will absolutely tell at the end of the day.
    no worries.

    fun tales. oh and can I borrow the M-16?

    1. No comment to you, either. Bwhahahahah

  12. Definitely #8 is the only true statement.

    1. No comment to you, but I will reveal soon.

  13. I can’t wait to visit everyone else’s sites to see what you have lied about.

    I will reveal the truth later today. And, please, I beg of you all, tell us the truth about you, too.

  14. I love this award – I had such a giggle with your answers. 🙂

    1. No comment, still (I have to keep saying it a different way or my WP blog doesn’t let me enter the comment – says I have already said that)

  15. This is tough! I’m going to guess that your sleeping in Veracruz is the truth.

  16. My guess is your pants are totally engulfed right now!

  17. Congrats! Well, I think that #8 is the truth.

  18. Wow, awesome! I’ll get to lie ostensively? This is the best blog award ever! lol

    Let’s see… about your stuff, I think you may be good at firing an M-16? No, no, this can’t be; you’re too sweet for that.

    Oh, yes! You’ve kissed John Hall! How cool! (btw, who’s the guy? lol – Foreign here, remember? Besides, I’m terrible with names…)

    Marisa, I want to know your revelation too! Do we need to get down on our knees, woman? heh ;p

    1. Here are Hall and Oats looks like they are still on tour, they were a big singing group in 1970s & 80s

      1. Ahhh, right.

        I visited the page, and at least I have a face to put on the name, heh. Thanks. 🙂

  19. I think that you snogged John Hall!

    You are strange…erm…interesting!

    The truth? I can’t handle the truth.

    1. No comment, except – yes, I can be strange at times

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